May 10, 2024

JDL Spotlight: Our Newest Business Team Members!

JDL is thrilled to shine a spotlight on our latest additions to the Business Department! In the past 6 months, our team has expanded, and we’re excited to introduce these exceptional individuals.

Let’s begin with Jalen Chen, one of our Project Accountants who joined JDL in December. Jalen is smart, easy going and a quick learner making him a great asset to our team. We asked Jalen what drew him to JDL and to share a few fun facts about himself:

“The reason why I choose JDL over other competitors is because of it modern but still innovating thinking team who are always striving to increase their knowledge. Thus far, and one of the big driving factors on why I chose JDL is their pet’s policy. I do enjoy having playful pets around which coincidentally helps me destress when needed.” – Jalen

Next we have Rachel Doherty, another Project Accountant who joined us in April. Rachel’s work ethic and energy is contagious and we are extremely excited to see how she succeeds in this new role. We asked Rachel the same question on what drew her to JDL and to share a few fun facts about herself:

“Besides the outstanding work that gets accomplished, JDL prioritizes employee engagement which in turn contributes to overall productivity. In just a short time I feel welcomed and part of the team. In my free time I like to read, golf and watch reality tv.” – Rachel

Finally, let’s introduce our amazing Contract Administrator, Ana Luiza Bernardes. Ana became part of our team in February and has made a significant impact on both the project management and business teams. We asked Ana Luiza what attracted her to JDL and to share a few fun facts about herself:

“I choose to work at JDL because I wanted to experience a new challenge in my life, especially in my career. I wanted to be able to bring a different perspective when it came to legal concerns and concepts into construction, while learning more about an industry that was fairly new to me. What is most fascinating and exciting about my job is that I am consistently learning something new. I am a sponge, I love learning and immersing myself into new knowledge. A fun fact about me is I can sing and I sing at my local church!” – Ana Luiza

This team’s expertise and enthusiasm are fantastic additions to the JDL family! We couldn’t be happier to have them wear the JDL logo!

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